Time: 29. Mai 2021 / 20.00

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Empfohlene Spende / Suggested Donation: Supporter: 15€ / Normal: 10€ / Ermäßigt/Reduced: 8.00€

120cm of Intimacy by Urszula Bernat-Jałocha (PL), 2020

Director: Urszula Bernat-Jałocha
Artists: Urszula Bernat-Jałocha, Patrycja Godziszewska, Mateusz Godziszewski, Małgorzata
Music: Max Richter „November”
Video: Mateusz Furtas
Film Editing: Urszula Bernat-Jałocha
The film was made as part of the scholarship program of the Minister of Culture and National
Heritage in Poland – „Kultura w sieci”.

The „120 cm of intimacy” focus on the issue of interpersonal relationships affected by pandemics and quarantine. The story of an ordinary woman takes place in the space of a house. Despite modernity being present in our daily lives, the topic of interpersonal relationships remains a fundamental part of functioning in society. This delicate matter, which easily escapes words, is rich in non-verbal means. Therefore, with the help of movement, image and sound, the world of interpersonal relationships is examined in conditions of forced closure, documented subsequently in the form of a dance film. Using dance forms, music, installations in a confined space, as well as audiovisual arts, the project aims to develop a kind of „choreography of our everyday life“ which filters through different areas of life. The cooperation of artists from several fields of art use the potential of various artistic means to transfer this topic to the world of dance film art. The space of everyday life become the stage space.

“120 cm Intimität“ konzentriert sich auf das Problem der zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen, die von einer Pandemie und einer Quarantäne betroffen sind. Die Geschichte einer gewöhnlichen Frau spielt sich in den Räumen eines Hauses ab. Trotz der Modernität, die in unserem Alltag präsent ist, bleibt das Thema der menschlichen Beziehungen ein grundlegender Teil des Funktionierens in der Gesellschaft. Diese heikle Angelegenheit, die sich leicht den Worten entzieht, ist reich an nonverbalen Mitteln. Mittels Bewegung, Bild und Ton wird also die Welt der zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen unter den Bedingungen der erzwungenen Gefangenschaft erkundet und anschließend in Form eines Tanzfilms dokumentiert. Mit Hilfe von Tanzformen, Musik, Installationen im geschlossenen Raum sowie audiovisueller Kunst will das Projekt eine Art „Choreographie unseres Alltags“ schaffen, die verschiedene Lebensbereiche durchdringt. Die Zusammenarbeit von Künstler*innen aus mehreren Kunstsparten nutzt das Potential verschiedener künstlerischer Mittel, um dieses Thema in die Welt der Film-Tanz-Kunst zu bringen. Der Raum des alltäglichen Lebens wird zum Bühnenraum.

Urszula graduated from the National Ballet School in Warsaw, the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw and the Scottish School of Contemporary Dance. She is a certified DanceAbility teacher. She worked as a dancer in the Opera in Szczecin and at the Grand Theatre in Poznan. In 2009, Urszula joined the Polish Dance Theatre – the national contemporary dance company, where she performed in the whole repertoire in choreographies created by Ohad Naharin, Jo Stromgren, Jacek Przybylowicz, Ewa Wycichowska, Sjoerd Vreugdenhil, Yoshiko Waki, among others. In 2014 she created her first choreography „Nondescript” for the Polish Dance Theatre. In 2015 she was awarded with the “YoungPoland” scholarship from the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage for artists under 35 years old, distinguished by outstanding achievements in their field of work. Thanks to the scholarship she created the performance“Perception”. Since 2018 she is a freelance artist. In 2018 and 2020, she received artistic scholarships from the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and thanks to that she created a film and a choreography „Showreel“ and „120cm of intimacy“.!
IG: @ula.bernat