Time: 29. Mai 2021 / 20.00
Audio auf Englisch / Audio in English

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Empfohlene Spende / Suggested Donation: Supporter: 15€ / Normal: 10€ / Ermäßigt/Reduced: 8.00€

Choreography for Dreaming the Future, by Aleksandra Borys (PL), 2021


Choreography for Dreaming the Future it is an experimental series of three recordings which invite the listener to dream and fantasize about their desired future. They each offer a guidance for imagination and for the body activity. My dream was for the global pandemic to imagine that there can be a dance gathering happening beyond shared space and time, connected by the intention.


Choreography for Dreaming the Future ist eine experimentelle Serie von drei Aufnahmen, die die Hörer*innen einladen, von einer gewünschten Zukunft zu träumen und zu phantasieren. Sie bieten jeweils eine Anleitung die eigene Vorstellungskraft und Körperaktivität. Mein Traum war für die globale Pandemie war es, sich eine tänzerische Versammlung vorzustellen, die jenseits von gemeinsamem Raum und Zeit stattfindet, verbunden durch die Absicht.

Aleksandra Borys is an art and science artist working in fields of choreography, cosmology and ecology. Her work looks at the human body,  Earth, Universe and asks what kind of choreography and dance happens between them.  
What can the body learn from the Land and Night Sky? How the relation of Human to Universe influences the way the Earth is treated, and what are the consequences of this? With a fascination into space travel, her work admires the beauty of planet Earth. Interested in looking at Earth from a distance, and how this perspective influences the way life on our planet is approached. The work wishes to challenge the ways human physical existence is viewed. 
Aleksandra received in 2016 a Master of Art and Science from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts in London; in 2009 a BA in Contemporary Dance from CODARTS, University of the Arts in Rotterdam; in 2003 she graduated from National Ballet School in Lodz. She received The Research Scholarship by Grazyna Kulczyk and art research scholarship from Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

