Time: 29. Mai 2021 / 20.00

[Das Streaming Angebot der TanzTage ist frei zugänglich. Ihr könnt frei wählen, ob und in welcher Höhe ihr unser Festival mit einer Spende unterstützen möchtet! / The TanzTage streams are freely accessible. You are free to choose whether and how much you would like to support our festival with a donation!]
Empfohlene Spende / Suggested Donation: Supporter: 15€ / Normal: 10€ / Ermäßigt/Reduced: 8.00€

Hikikomori by Saul Pankhurst, 2017


„Physically withdrawn from the pressures of the modern world, a young man’s struggles to overcome his self-imposed exile as he dreams to set himself free. With reference to the Japanese phenomenon of Hikikomori, This short film explores the topic of acute social withdrawal within contemporary society.  Shot on 8mm, 16mm and 35mm film.“

I am an experimental filmmaker and animator currently based in Edinburgh, Scotland. My work is often grounded in the use of analogue film formats and looks to combine the observational and performative within experimental non-fiction. This short film was produced during my cinematography studies at FAMU International Film School, Prague. My current practice looks to explore identity and the mechanisation of traditional processes within industry, often combining animation and collage within ‚experimental documentary‘.


The film features Prague based dancer / choreographer Adam Orszuliks