28. Mai 2021

[Das Streaming Angebot der TanzTage ist frei zugänglich. Ihr könnt frei wählen, ob und in welcher Höhe ihr unser Festival mit einer Spende unterstützen möchtet! / The TanzTage streams are freely accessible. You are free to choose whether and how much you would like to support our festival with a donation!]
Empfohlene Spende / Suggested Donation: Supporter: 30€ / Normal: 20€ / Ermäßigt/Reduced: 10€

Spiegelungen by Chiara Detscher & Seraphine Detscher

Wir alle träumen von einem besseren Leben, egal unter welchen Umständen. Wir träumen von Zusammengehörigkeit und Frieden. Wir sind zu allem bereit, um etwas zu ändern. Verbindungen können ein Weg zur Veränderung sein. Zwei Tänzer*innen beschreiten einen Weg der Veränderung.


We all dream of a better life, whatever the circumstances. We dream of togetherness and peace. We are ready for anything to make a difference. Connections can be a path to change. Two dancers walk a path of change.

Chiara Detscher was born in 1994 in Heidelberg and studied dance at the ‚Palucca Hochschule für Tanz‘ in Dresden. She graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor of Arts. An engagement as an apprentice dancer at ‚Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape‘ in Lyon let her gain insights into the company under the direction of Yuval Pick in early 2016. Guestperformances brought her to Berlin, Neustrelitz, Görlitz, Spain/Deltebre and Italy/Aosta. In Dresden, she already worked with the Werkstattsorchester Dresden e.V., the ‚go plastic Company‘, ‚the guts company‘, the ‚JuWieDance Company‘ and John Moran. Since 2018 she is a contemporary dancer at the Sächsische Staatsoper-Semperoper Dresden. Since September 2018 she choreographs and dance for the collective “four rooms.
In 2011 Seraphine Detscher received her diploma as a stage dancer from the Palucca School of Dance in Dresden. In 2012 she started her first engagement at the Semperoper in Dresden, followed by engagements at the Thoss Tanzcompany and the State Theater in Wiesbaden / Darmstadt. Until August 2017 she was a dancer in the ensemble and danced, choreographies by Crystal Pite, Alexander Ekmann, Marcos Morau, Itamar Serussi Sahar and many more. Since summer 2017 she danced in various Choreographies by Malcolm Sutherland, Canan Erek, Juwie Dance Company and as a guest dancer at the Staatschauspiel Dresden in the production “Macbeth“. With the Kollektiv“four rooms“, which she directs with three other dancers, she is present in the dance scene in Dresden as a dancer and choreographer.