Time: 28. Mai 2021 / 19.00

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Empfohlene Spende / Suggested Donation: Supporter: 30€ / Normal: 20€ / Ermäßigt/Reduced: 10€

Gone by Fran Martinez

Choreographie und Tanz: Fran Martinez

Jeder hat etwas oder jemanden verloren, sei es eine Freundschaft, einen Partnerin oder jemanden, der stirbt Ein Teil von mir ist mit dieser Person gegangen. Aber was habe ich wirklich verloren? Diese Arbeit ist inspiriert von den verschiedenen Stadien dieses Prozesses, von der Verwirrung, über die Frustration bis hin zur Akzeptanz.

[ENG ]

Everyone has lost something or someone, be it a friendship, a partner or someone who dies … A part of me has gone with that person. But what have I really lost? This work is inspired by the different stages of the process from confusion, through frustration to acceptance.

Fran Martinez is originally from Onil, Spain. He studied in Alicante and Valencia. Once his studies were finished, he joined GoOD by Asun Noales and shortly after he worked with Proyecto Titoyaya under the direction of Gustavo Ramirez. At the age of 20, he went to Germany to work with Wee dance company, in Gerhart Hauptmann Theater, with the choreographers Dan Pelleg and Marko E. Weigert. He returned later  to Spain and joined the company Marcat dance by Mario Bermudez for two years. In the meantime, he also worked with Arnau Pérez. After this enriching period, he returned to Germany where he resides and works at Gerthart-Hauptmann Theater, Görlitz.